Thursday, September 8, 2016

April 23, 1963

The hospital: The words on the wall at the hospital. QUIET PLEASE. :)

There is a couple there who is watching Steve Hardy work. The woman wins the line of the day.

Woman: He means business. He's a top doctor with bad manners.


Jessie and Steve: Steve doesn't understand why Peggy broke up with him.

Jessie: Shall I tell her hello for you?

Steve: Yes. Tell her. Hello.

Lunch room: 
Jessie and Peggy: Peggy wants to be needed. She thinks Steve don't need her. Wow this is a very realistic and simple conversation! I love it! :) Although Jessie didn't tell Peggy that Steve said hello! Oops! :)

Dr. Brewer and Cynthia Allison: Wow it looks like she is interested in him! Hahahaha! Oh now she is playing games with him. She is being very mysterious. :)

Jessie and Phil Brewer: Jessie are you jealous of Cynthia? :)

Part 1.  

Part 2. 

Throwback Thursday: When Frisco and Felicia first meet.

Part 1. 

Part 2. Felicia talks like a princess! Hahahaha!


  1. Thank you so much for writing these Sonya. I may not post but I always read and watch.

    Kat Tu

    1. "Kat Tu says Thank you so much for writing these Sonya."

      You're welcome! :)

      "I may not post but I always read and watch."

      I have been wondering where you were. :) Glad you are reading and watching. :)

  2. Nothing to do with your blog, but you will answer me. What do you think about Michael Knight being Dr. Jeff Webber???? I like the idea, hope he's in the running.

    Kat Tu

  3. "Kat Tu says What do you think about Michael Knight being Dr. Jeff Webber????"

    What?!!?! I haven't heard that! I love Michael E Knight!!! I want him back on Y&R! I miss him on there! Richard Dean Anderson will always be Jeff Webber to me. So if Jeff Webber is coming back, then Richard Dean Anderson will have to be back as him.
