Thursday, October 13, 2016

January 18th 1980
The Webber home:

Leslie and Howard Lansing: Too bad he isn't related to Ric! Damn! Well anyway this is a nice scene with them. Awww Dory isn't coming back from England.. :( that's too bad. Howard and Dory were cute together.
Leslie: Now that you know for sure that Dory isn't' coming back from England, when are you going to start dating again?
Uh when he is ready? ROFL! Oh he is interested in someone! Too bad it's not with Leslie.

Amy, Scotty and friends: Hey they are all going to the campus disco. This was a great scene. Chatting and having conversations.. Scotty kisses Leslie on the cheek and says goodnight. Awwwww. :)

Ruby's home: Bobbie is going to the campus disco too and she is looking sexy. Ruby is talking to her plant! ROFL! Awww maybe the plant needs a boyfriend plant! :) Bobbie is still in mourning over Roy's "death"  Luke comes by to pick Bobbie up with Jennifer Smith. Bobbie don't like her hahaha. She doesn't like Laura and she doesn't like Jennifer. Jennifer isn't all snobby and Bobbie thought she would be.
Hardy home: Annie had a date with Jeff, but then Joe shows up. Both of the guys had flowers. Anne wants Jeremy to go to bed. Jeremy wins the line of the day.
Jeremy: I don't think I should. You know, you can't sit on the couch with both of them.
Jeremy: You better call a girl before you expect her to just be waiting there doing nothing.
Wow!!! What a smart little boy! That's a great lesson to learn! :) Awww poor Tommy Jr is sick. Audrey and Steve are being lovey dovey when Leslie shows up.
Luke's Campus disco: Hey everyone is having a great time. Jeff likes the dress that Bobbie is wearing hahaha! He wants her to join Joe and Annie. Oh oh Annie is angry at Joe! Sounds like the actress who plays Annie has a cold.  Laura is working but in an hour she is going to be off work and will join her husband.
Campus disco bathroom: Great scene between Laura and Joanne. Joanne is upset and crying and Laura is there for her, and then later when Laura is upset and crying, Joanne is there for her. And poor Claudia wants to help and is being a good friend.

Luke's campus disco part 2: Laura and Scotty dance, and Luke is jealous!!!! So jealous in fact, that he puts on the music rise, which totally affects Laura and she runs to the bathroom. Scotty is confused and wants to help Laura. Luke put on Rise to ruin Laura and Scotty's dancing. And when Luke and Jennifer were dancing, Laura was jealous.

Part 1. 

Part 2:  

Throwback Thursday:  Brownstone fire.

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