Thursday, October 13, 2016

February 22nd 1980


Susan and Mitch: Susan is freezing him out! She doesn't like how Mitch is treating her, and really likes how Frank Smith is treating her! Like a lady! Yeah Susan! Don't let Mitch treat you poorly!!!

Frank Smith, Tracy, and Mitch: Tracy is telling Frank about Mitch's new bill. More recreational facilities in the state. Susan shows up, and Tracy is trying to get Frank and Susan together hahaha!  Gail and Lee show up. Oh Scotty is working for Frank Smith!

The hospital:

Jesse and Monica: Monica is tired. She had a sleepless night. There was an electrical storm. She wants to see baby AJ and then do rounds.


Monica and Leslie: Monica is feeling guilty that she is keeping the secret from Alan that baby AJ is Rick's! Ah yes at this time they still think AJ's is Rick's! Leslie says Monica is living with a time bomb. And then there is Tracy! Tracy wants to find out!

Monica and Steve: Steve is worried about Monica. Monica is lying saying it's the storm last night that is getting to her.

Monica and Gail: Monica wants to resign. They had a nice conversation.

Dan and Jesse: Awwww sad! :( Poor Dan!  Geez he asks Jesse to marry him, she says no.. He asks Ruby to marry him, and she says no! Why did the writers do this to Dan?! :( Why wouldn't Dan be married?!!?!?!

Steve Hardy's office: Steve and Diana are interviewing finalists for the scholarship awards! 

Scotty and Laura's home: Someone is watching Laura.  Luke shows up with a cassette recorder. On it, is a tape of Laura wanting the number for the FBI, and when she gets it, she calls the FBI! But then hangs up when someone answers the phone!!! Luke got the cassette, from Frank Smith's office. She is scared and wants to know what they are going to do! He wants to protect her. She doesn't want to be home alone, so they are going to the Disco cus he has work to do. Frank Smith is going to show up at the disco too.

The disco: Luke and Laura show up, and Luke puts on music, but it's Rise.. Oh Luke!!!! Get rid of that song!!!!! Laura is all upset about it! He calms her down. Frank Smith show up and Luke and Frank go to Luke's office.

Luke's office: Frank is bringing up Laura and Luke wants to protect Laura. 

Part 1.

Part 2.

Flashback Friday: Summer of 1978. It's the day of Lesley's murder conviction. This is when Leslie wanted to protect Laura because of the David Hamilton mess. This is Audio only, but it's still really good.

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