Thursday, April 6, 2017

August 21st 1981

The hospital/Lobby:

Georgia and Joe: Joe is waiting for Bobbie because she is being discharged today! Bert shows up and is teasing Joe about being Mr. Nice guy! :)

Joe and Bert: Bert wants to talk to the board about what to do with Hutch!

Noah and Bobbie: Oh there she is! She has HUGE glasses on and a HUGE hat! :) She looks like a movie star! Joe sees her and Noah takes Bobbie away!!! :)

Inside the island: They all had their dinner. The blonde girl wants to go up top, but Tiffany says it's too late. They notice that the plant is dead!!!!! They think it's because of their experiment.. Mikkos doesn't think so! Of course he is a lying liar that lies!!! Tiffany changes her mind and wants to go outside. Mikkos is nice about it. Tiffany is all flirty with guard, so he finally lets her go! Hahahaha.

Tiffany wins the line of the day.

Tiffany: Do I look like a den mother?


Outside the island: Laura is working on their little house.  Robert shows up and they talk about Tiffany. :) He hasn't seen her.  Hey lookie here Robert finally sees her and they talk! :) Laura shaves Luke again hahaha. So Tiffany finally meets Luke and Laura! :) And not Thor and Lucy! :) Luke and Laura were going to make the love, but oh oh Laura not feeling well!  Robert's look out spot is so close to the little home, that he could probably hear L&L make love if she was well!

The park:

Sarah and Joe: Wow!!!! Joe really helped Sarah and she got a breakthrough!!!! :)

Jesse's home:

Bobbie and Noah: She is so happy to be home. Noah is taking care of her awwwww!

Part 1: 

Part 2: 

Throwback Thursday - Week of January 6, 1992 Dominique and Mac promo

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