Thursday, January 26, 2017

July, 1st, 1981

Just so you know, the person who put up these clips,  2 of the clips got mixed up from the next episode.

Emma and Charlie Lutz's home: This is a great scene!!!! She wants her husband OUT because Lila and Alex are coming over! He ain't going nowhere!!! ROFL! And then when Lila and Alex DO show up, Emma shuts the door on them! Hahahaha. That is not going to make Lila Llike you Emma! This is the 2nd time she was rude! ROFL! She is all crying but as soon as he tells her he will take her to the bucket of blood she is all excited! Hahahahaha!

The shop: Luke and Robert are trying to get information from Benny but he won't budge. Luke and Robert start manipulating Benny and Luke gives him money! Benny squacks like a bird! Later when he is all alone, he gets arrested!

Q home: Edward wants to play gin!  Monica has a PI snooping around Susan Moore! Alan calls Susan. OH OH! Alan you are such a bad boy!

Edward wins the line of the day! Monica wants to know where Lila went off to.

Edward: Oh who knows. Probably went to the disco to pick up a couple of men.

ROFL! Oh here is Lila! They all play gin. Monica wants to play with Lila instead of Alan, but Alan and Edward don't want that!

The disco: Wow that PI is sneaky sneaky. And then he calls Monica!

Tony Cassadine's boat: Tony wants that ice princess!!!! Alex comes in and tells him that she found it!!!

Bucket of blood:  Luke and Robert are both there and they see Emma and Charlie show up. Luke does not like Emma at all! ROFL! Robert calls Benny, but he finds out that Benny got arrested. Robert starts laughing and Luke wonders what is happening. Robert wonders why he is laughing. ROFL!

The hospital:

Anne and Jesse: Anne mentions to Jesse how nice and quiet it is.. Jesse doesn't want her to say that! ROFL!  Noah shows up and Jesse tells her see what I mean? Hahahaha. Noah is looking for Bobbie. Rick shows up and mentions how today is going very well so far! Anne says don't say that! ROFL!

Warehouse: I think Laura and O'Riley are at a warehouse. Well it's the basement from somewhere. Well they slept there all night and O'Riley wakes her up!  Time to get up!!! Hahahaha.

Kelly's: Slick wants Rose to call Charlie Lutz over to Kelly's to get his coat. Slick, O'Riley, and Laura want to see if the coat is Charlie's and if it is, then he is the one who stole the Ice Princess at the auction!

Part 1: 

Part 2: 

Throwback Thursday: General hospital promo - 1986


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