Thursday, December 29, 2016

12-16-80 Throwback Thursday

Jeff's home:

Jeff and Alice: Alice wonders if Susan should go with them to visit Heather. Heather's Doctor thinks it's a good idea. She wants Heather to come be with them for Christmas but Alice wonders if they should take the chance. Jeff says if the doctor thinks it's alright. Alice is worried about PJ.

Susan's campus disco: Everyone is exercising with Richard Simmons! :)

Anne and Diana: They are talking about Heather. Anne says she is sorry about all this business with Heather. They talk about what Heather did to Diana about making her go crazy. They are also talking about Diana's husband who died!

Forrest hills: Heather is having flashbacks of what she did in the past.

Heather's doctor, Jeff, Heather's mother and Susan: Heather's doctor says that Heather is better! That she has been having partial memories!

Sarah and Heather: Heather thinks she fooled her doctor. Heather has one teeny tiny secret and Sarah wants to know. Since they are BFF's Heather HAS to tell her! Heather won't tell her so Sarah threatens her. Heather wins the line of the day.

Heather: Are you sure the ragdoll doesn't want to be in on this too?


The hospital/The lobby: Diana and Anne being asked why they look so glum. :) Rick wants to know the update for Heather and Forrest Hills. Amy is being nosy again hahahaha. Steve is asking Rick about his new clinic. Jeff and Heather's mother shows up and it's official! Heather is coming home for Christmas!  Rick is worried about Diana. Diana wants to make sure she is okay.


Anne, Audrey and Steve: They are talking about Heather coming home for Christmas. Diana walks in and tries to pour tea in her glass but she burns herself and drops the tea.  Steve, Anne, and Audrey go to her to try to help her.

Q home:

Lila, Monica, and Alan: Monica and Alan are putting decorations on their tree. Lila is talking about the party they are planning, and she is looking at the list of people so she don't miss anybody.  Monica and Alan are alone arguing.

Part 1:  

Part 2: 

Throwback Thursday:  Poor Luke is so hurt and upset. :( 

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