Friday, November 4, 2016

February 1975

The hospital:
Leslie and Diana Taylor: Leslie is talking about Phil's Murder and that Jessie is taking the blame because she knows someone else did it and doesn't want whoever did it to take the blame.
Leslie and Dr. Baldwin: He is giving her a check. Last month's expenses for the free clinic. She is all excited. Cameron walks in and looks jealous. Leslie shows him the check.
Leslie and Cameron: Now he is whining about what her friend did to him.
Peter Taylor and Augusta: She was going to have an abortion and she groggily changed her mind.
The medicine room:

Leslie and Dr. Ross Jeanelle: Oh look it's Tony Dow! :)  Dr Ross doesn't like surprises. He found out Jim Hobard was on the 7th floor the night Phil Brewer was murdered. He gave her the impression that he has the other paper weight and that it was exactly like the murder weapon. And he is telling her that they don't have it. Diana comes in and Leslie asks her if she saw the other paper weight in her office. Diana has this strange look on her face. Diana is so guilt ridden!

Nurses station:

Cameron and Leslie: He tells her that Dr. Baldwin investigated him. Looked like Leslie was trying not to laugh.
Leslie and Diana: So much guilt from Diana!
Augusta's home:

Augusta and Jenny: Augusta is struggling and her sister shows up. Jenny Gives her cookies! :) Jenny looks a little like Leslie Charlson. They are talking about pregnancy and babies.

Flashback Friday  Lucy Coe promo 1987

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